Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Shoe Art

The Shoe Art

What does strike in your mind when you think of shoes? Probablyimage of your shoes will strike in your mind. But can you imagine any kind ofart that you can create from your shoes. But after viewing these images of shoeart your mind will surely going to think in different manner regarding artcreated from shoes. These shoe art has truly cross the boundaries of creativityin matter of shoe related form of art. All images shown here purely reflectingthe idea that art can be created form anything and it is not bound to any particularboundaries. 

Arkitipintel – Walking Bike

Walking Bike

Brian Jungen – Jordan Collage

Jordan Collage

Chanel – Guns of Heel

Guns of heel

 Gabriel Dishaw – Recyclable Shoes

Recyclable Shoes

 I Have Pop – Concrete Sneakers

Concrete Sneakers

 Love Me Shoes

Love Shoes

Michel Tcherevkoff – Nature Heels

High heel women shoes

Site Marca – Tongue

Wyman Wong – Heel Dress

R.E. Praspaliauskas – Bread Shoes

Bread Shoes Art

 Heel Steps

Heel Steps

For Source and more information please visit the source link. A hyperlink is give in the heading of each image. Please click heading links for complete information about shoe art.

Source for links & images: http://theshoebuff.com/features/30mustseepiecesofshoeart/